воскресенье, 2 февраля 2020 г.


You are browsing the old site - check the new version out. Consists of three keys: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. The position of the newly created node. The object follows the structure described in. Creating nodes Root node 1 Child node 1 Child node 2 Root node 2.

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When renaming or creating nodes the input for the text will autosize - this number sets the maximum size for the input. You can omit this key; state - a string - either "open" or "closed"for a leaf node - omit this key; data - a string or an object - if a string is passed it is used for the title of the node, if an object is passed there are two keys you can specify: This can be a zero based index to position the element at a specific point among the current children.

You can omit this key; state - a string - either "open" or "closed"for a leaf node - omit this key; data - a string or an object - if a string is passed it is used for the title of the node, if an object is passed there are two keys you can specify: Root node 1 Child node 1 Child node 2 Root node 2.

The position of the newly created node. Both functions are overwritten from the core in order to implement the new functionality.

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I take user input for the new node, and if everything passes validation client-side first, server-side seconda new "node" is added to my MySQL database, and then I update the jsTree on the fly with some Javascript by adding a new node to it's parent on initial page load, PHP correctly builds an HTML tree with unordered lists and list items. Creating nodes Root node 1 Child node 1 Child node 2 Root node 2.

If set to true, when moving a node to a new, closed parent, the parent node will be opened when the move completes. Defines how moves are handled - if set to true every move will be forced to a copy leaving the original node in place. If you use the UI plugin - pass null to use the currently selected items. Asked 9 years, 3 months ago.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

Photon UI jsTree Theme Demo

The default position to move to if no position is specified. Mattygabe Mattygabe 1, 4 4 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 41 41 bronze badges. Active plugni years, 10 months ago. My tree is on the left, and clicking on a node will trigger certain information to be loaded in a box floated to the right of the tree. You are browsing the old site - check the new version out. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

Email Required, but never shown. This can be a zero based index to position the element at a specific point among the new parent's current children. The m parameter is the move object generated by jstree.

Creating nodes Root node 1 Child node 1 Child node 2 Root node 2. If you use the UI plugin - pass null to use the currently selected items. The correct line is as follows: The m parameter is the move object generated by jstree. This can be a DOM plugij, jQuery node or selector pointing to the element you want to create in or next to. So, the problem with this line: The position of the newly created node. This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to the element you want to create in or next to.

You'd be better off waiting for the event. The node is created with the data you have supplied. The jsTree documentation does mention that the attributes should be JS objects themselves, but I'm not overly familiar with a lot of the Javascript syntax, including objects. The object follows the structure described in. Defines how moves are handled - if set to true every move will be forced to a copy leaving the original node in jstrre.

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