вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.


You must log in or sign up to reply here. In attachment You will find every necessary files. I can't login to psx-scene as I get constant errors so I will post reply here. U and pinky like this. I think the usb ports on the ps2 r version 1. ps2 opl themes

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BerionSep 7, BerionJun 19, No, create an account now.

I've posted this theme on psx-scene early Februari but apperently it's still waiting for moderation although I've posted thejes for OPL before on that site. Feb 3, Messages: Multiple font sizes are not supported in OPL at the moment unless I use font forge to make the glyphs smaller which would mean another.

ps2 opl themes

TupakaveliJun 19, Feel free to create it. Devices, yea POPS is not needed. Sep 4, Messages: I have understand whole script and everything from above example is possible with one exception: TupakaveliJun 16, Jun 15, Messages: After quick first look: Johlito and Berion like pa2.

You must log in or sign up to reply here. AlissonSep 15, JohlitoSep 8, Johlito Sorry for not testing this yet.

Nov 8, Messages: Sep 19, Messages: Anyways many thanks to everybody involved in the PS2 scene! I just signed up to share this theme. Anyway, I'm fine also with only four.

ps2 opl themes

Which is better pattern, above or below? UAlisson and 3 others like this.

ps2 opl themes

Do you already have an account? I believe You can trick the OPL just making empty files with corresponded filenames inside images folder.

Your name or email address: U and Berion like this. Jun 19, Messages: Berion This theme hhemes great.

PS2 - [Open PS2 Loader] Theme Index (obsolete) | PSX-Place

The cover is also not mine. Apr 10, Messages: I have codebreaker on a memory card via a button press. Dec 29, Messages:

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