вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.


Key to the Priority codes: And I was glad to be able, in my own modest way, to help make it happen. I have still yet to hear them, but since he put a tremendous amount of his own time into these, I must publish them as is. Thursday, September 24, News: Friday, October 23, News: We both have way too many albums though we're still buying too! album ada band metamorphosis indowebster

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It turns out to have a been a great decision for me personally. Houston FearlessPriority none. I won't be updating this blog much longer though everything will stay up as promised.

Sorry Mike, please re-up all the files hosted in rapidshare. Sfinx debut album reissued by Soft Records.

And I was glad to be able, in my own modest way, to help make it happen. The maintenance of that list should be much easier than what I was doing here. indowbester

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Album of the Day: I will send the link over and there will be an explanation of how it will work over there. Anonymous November 5, at 3: The rest, which range from good to terrible and everything in between. Saturday, August 29, Horizonte, Argentina. Tuesday, October 13, News: I will send an update once that is up and running as well. Notify me of new posts via email. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

Shadoks to reissue Blueset from Sweden. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Fractalsmoved to UMRPriority none.

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This is strictly an informational blog. First 9 Catherine Ribeiro albums to be reissued in a box set. Berits Halsband to come out on CD soon from Musicbazz!!! This entry was written by Editorialposted on March 2, at 7: Astro-Atlantic Hypnotica from the Cape Verde Indowdbsterthe latest ,etamorphosis from New York-based reissue label Ostinato Records, explores the broad range of electrifying music that blossomed up from this small cluster of islands.

CD Reissue Wish List

Posted by Genius Hans at 5: Saturday, October 17, News: Many of meamorphosis albums are borderline Priority 3, and should not be presumed to be poor efforts. Fragile GermanyPriority 2. We're not giving away anything either, but the prices will be fair. This eclectic mixture of musical ingredients helped produce a dynamic music community that would carry the spirit of the Cape Verde islands around the world.

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They're indoewbster down now Amongst the greatest albums ever made. If, anyone could direct me where I could purchase this fantastic album on vinyl, I would be forever greatful.

CD Reissue Wish List

Wednesday, November 4, Zthurehz, Sweden. The black American Don Washington provided the vocals. Posted by Genius Hans at 7: Bongers Project 1 M.

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